NDS Liquidity Mining Program

2 min readMar 30, 2021

You might have noticed it in our tokenomics already, but we are going to distribute 35% of the NDS supply to the community.

Out of the 35,000 NDS in the Community reserve :

  • 2000 NDS have already been distributed to early supporters of Nodeseeds: members of the FERA Beasts group.
  • 3000 NDS are kept aside for upcoming community incentives.
  • 15,000 are locked for 1 year. When unlocked in 1 year, the private group/DAO will have a think about the use and distribution. The DAO could for instance decide to burn them.
  • 15,000 NDS are distributed weekly to NDS-ETH liquidity providers over a 1 year period.

Starting this week, a snapshot of the NDS-ETH LP holders will be taken at a random time every week, and once per week, NDS tokens will be distributed to all liquidity providers of the NDS-ETH pair on Uniswap. All you need to do is hold your NDS-ETH LP UNI-V2 token in your wallet and you’ll automatically receive your share of the NDS tokens.

This week, 577 NDS tokens (40 245,75$ at the time of writing) will be distributed proportionally to liquidity providers of the NDS-ETH pair on Uniswap.

In the coming weeks & months, the distributed amount will progressively decrease, following an Inverted Yield Curve:

Your share of the LP tokens matter, the more LP tokens you have, the more NDS you will receive weekly. Please take note that we exclude the team’s LP tokens from the distribution.

More specific details about the exact numbers of the distribution will be revealed in an other post.

How to take part ?

Simply add liquidity on Uniswap to the NDS-ETH pair:


You will need to add the same amount of value in $ both in NDS tokens & in ETH. Once you added the liquidity in Uniswap, you are automatically entering the weekly $NDS distribution.

Official links

Website: https://nodeseeds.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nodeseeds
Telegram: https://t.me/nodeseeds
email: admin@nodeseeds.com




Tokenizing private sales in early blockchain projects